Andrej Mikulik

Dr. Andrej Mikulik
+41 79 952 13 14

Work experience 

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Tech Lead/Manager
Private Search, Internationalization, Personalization
Batch pipelines, production services, data analyses, ML/AI, C++, etc.
Built and led a team of 30 people across 3 timezones.


Microsoft Research Cambridge
Cambridge Lab Internship Program
Implementation of high speed content based image search engine using image features and inverted file indexing under supervision of Dr. Andrew Fitzgibbon.


Logio s. r. o.
Analyst and Software Engineer
Time series analyses, data extrapolation, promotional analyses, forecasting for demand planning, database and code performance optimizations.


University robotic team MART
Founder and team leader,
Computer vision, autonomous robot guidance system, competing in Eurobot, Robotour.


Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Center for Machine Perception
PhD student under supervision of Prof. Jiri Matas
Supported by the Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship program


Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
2007 graduated with honours – Bachelor of Computer Science
2010 graduated with honours – Master of Computer Science

Relevant skills

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics, Data analyses, Big data pipelines
C/C++, Java, C#, shell scripts, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle RDBMS, Cassandra
Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica, GIT, Linux at server administration level

Selected publications

Mikulik A., Radenović F., Chum O., Matas J.
Efficient Image Detail Mining
In proceedings of ACCV 2014

Mikulik A., Chum O., Matas J.
Image Retrieval for Online Browsing in Large Image Collections
In proceedings of Similarity Search and Applications 2013

Mikulik A., Perďoch M., Chum O., Matas J.
Learning Vocabularies over a Fine Quantization
International Journal of Computer Vision 2012

Chum O., Mikulik A., Perďoch M., Matas J.
Total Recall II: Query Expansion Revisited
In proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2011


English (fluent), German (basic), Slovak (native), Czech (fluent)

Other interests Extreme sports, photography, classical music (played akordeon, clarinet and guitar)